Monday, August 30, 2010

Blockbuster Plots

The seasons are changing here in northwest Indiana. Everywhere I look, signs of Autumn appear. The summer flowers are loosing their luster. My Tulip tree is dropping leaves. The pumpkins out in the garden are ready to be picked.

With the changing season is a renewed sense of trying to get my novel completely revised and off to find the right publisher. I keep hearing how MG is hot right now, especially MG novels geared toward boys. Which is a real motivator to put the finishing touches on my story. I finally started watching a highly recommended dvd, BlockBuster Plots, which I think will help take my novel from where it is to where it needs to be.

So far, the dvd is educational and points are clearly explained. Best of all, unlike at a regular conference, when the speaker starts going to fast, I can just push pause or rewind and hear what she has to say over and over again!

Happy writing to all. Thanks for stopping by. And enjoy the cooler weather!


Plot Whisperer said...

Hi Katie,
Thanks to Google Alerts, I learned of the mention you made of the BBP dvd on your blog.
Thank you so much for your generous words.
I'm thrilled to know it's helping you to keep writing your story and perhaps deepening your approach...
Great good luck.
Thanks again,

Katie M. said...

Thanks for your comments... very exciting that you found my blog. I appreciate all the information in the dvd and the way it is presented. One of my writing friends has been telling me about the dvd for almost a year. Too bad it took me so long to follow her advice and get it!
Take care,