Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lake Michigan article

Lake Michigan is one of my favorite spots. My husband grew up right by the lake and he started the addiction for me! I wrote an article for Associated Content that has a short review of the coastline, starting from Beverly Shores, Indiana and ending up at Warren Dunes. The article has tips about each beach. Take a look...

On to children's writing news, I sent out my novel to three more editors yesterday. I have targeted them carefully and read novels that their publishing houses published, so hopefully I'll get a bite. I'm still waiting to hear from another publisher who has had the novel since last December. I'm going to status query within the week to see what's going on.

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Randy Pausch died...

This post has nothing to do with my writing endeavors. I am just truly saddened by the news of Randy Pausch's death. I checked his website daily and hoped for a miracle (beyond the miracle of his living longer than he was originally told). May his wife find comfort and strength as she continues to raise their children and live without her husband. God Speed, Randy.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


When I have any spare time (which is rare these days) I spend it in my garden. Since I love to garden, I thought why not write up an article on saving my garden produce for the winter. So here it is. Check it out for tips on storing fruits and veggies. You don't need any special cooking skills or equipment. No canning knowledge necessary! Here's the link:

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Researching publishers

Sorry I haven't posted in almost a month. I have been researching more publishers for my novel. I'm trying to target very specific publishers, which takes a bit of time. Once I'm done and send this next batch of queries out, I'm going to get started on a non-fiction picture book. I've been thinking about the idea for months, and it's time to get it down on paper!

I'll keep you updated if any positive writing news comes my way.

Thanks for stopping by,