Thursday, July 28, 2011

Summer Portage HoosierLinks Meeting

Wow, I can't believe it's been close to two months since I've blogged! Where does the time go?

Last spring I took over the position of HoosierLinks Coordinator for the Indiana chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators. Basically, that means I (try) to coordinate all the members in our state into smaller groups or 'links', and have them meet three times a year, so all our illustrators/writers can stay in touch in between our big conferences and events.

I also lead the Portage link and we just had our summer meeting last weekend. There were only two other members in attendance (Northwest Indiana members, I need you there!). Happily, the two members in attendance were very excited, energetic, and willing to participate. They are both dedicated writers and we had a successful and informative meeting.

Our meeting room was wonderful. Located at the Portage library, we met in the room off of the children's department. It was a cute room with glass double doors and a nice kitchenette, not to mention a bathroom right around the corner. Perfect, really. What more could you need? We started off with sweet morning treats and hot drinks, discussed our areas of writing, and then got down to business with our guest speaker, one of the children's librarians. She gave us a rundown on what is popular/not so popular with her patrons, along with what the librarians would like to see more of and what they don't want to see!

Our next portion of the meeting included sharing resources for finding agents/editors/and market information in general. We then concluded with questionnaires about what types of events would be beneficial for the future.

Overall, it was a great success and we look forward to our fall meeting. Thanks to Joan and Marcy for their participation. And woo-hoo Marcy, for getting started on that query letter!

Thanks for stopping by,
Katie M.

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